Tirocini: H&M cerca laureandi in Ingegneria

H&M Italy´s Internship Program for future Store Managers, Summer 2019

Do you want to pursue a career in a global and value driven organization through a student/graduate program aiming to develop you into one of our future business leaders? Join H&M Italy as an intern within the field of Store Management.


Our Store Managers are true customer heroes and has the full responsibility maximising the profit in our store and for leading the store team through strategy, analysis, commercial aspects and a high level of coaching. This is a key position within our organization and our internship program is designed to give you the best possible foundation of tools and training needed to be able to take on the Store Manager role in the future.

The program starts in May-June 2019 and ends in August- September 2019 with a 2-week vacation in August included.

We will start the internship with an introduction at our country office in Milan where you will have the chance to meet our leaders from different functions, get familiar with our company values and get started on a business case together with other interns. We will provide you with a mentor that will be responsible to support you in your development of leadership and business skills.

You will continue your training in one of our stores learning about our core business.
We will end the internship with presentations of the case you have been working on in August- September.
In the end of the internship we will evaluate together with you if becoming a future business leader within H&M is the right path to take. It is our intention to after the internship recruit you to a continuing training program/graduate role with a clear goal to become a Store Manager. We will align the starting date with your graduation date and provide a tailored training plan working as a department manager until you are ready to take on the Store Manager role.


For you to be successful in your role, we believe you need to have:
• An interest in H&M and the retail business
You are graduating with a degree in business or engineering during 2019
• International experience from studying is meriting
Fluency in Italian is required as well as a good level of English. We also highly value the following:
• Result oriented with a strong track record
• Strong analytical skills
• Doer with a high working capacity
• A strong personality with integrity
• A humble attitude
• Leadership potential
• A genuine interest in working in different cities with flexibility regarding work location



We offer you the opportunity to develop and grow in a global organization and to work with a team of value and result driven colleagues in a fast paced, entrepreneurial and team-oriented environment.
We also offer you:
Temporary internship contract with a reimbursement of EUR 500/month (net) with a possibility for extension to a long-term training program

H&M benefits: 

- H&M global staff discount in stores and online (25%) – Includes all brands within the H&M Group (COS, Weekday, Monki, ARKET, &Other Stories, H&M Home and Afound)
– Restaurant tickets to a value of approx. 100/month (net)

Do you want to join the H&M family in Italy and become our future business leaders? Apply with your resume, cover letter and University grades. Last day of application is March 9th, 2019. We will start the recruitment process with ability tests in mid-March. If you proceed to the assessment days, these will be held in the end of April in Milan. We look forward to receiving your application!
Link to apply: https://career.hm.com/content/hmcareer/it_it/findjob/jobs/imported/2019/1/21/00243716.html

The business idea of H&M is “Fashion and quality at the best price in a sustainable way”. The H&M group is one of the biggest fashion companies in the world, with more than 171.000 employees, in over 69 markets. H&M group also includes COS, Weekday, Monki, ARKET, &Other Stories, H&M Home and Afou

H&M Italy´s Internship Program for future Controllers/Merchandisers, Summer 2019

Do you want to pursue a career in a global and value driven organization through a student/graduate program aiming to develop you into one of our future business leaders? Join H&M Italy as an intern within the field of Business Controlling/ Merchandising.


Our Merchandisers and Controllers are our strategic and analytic leaders responsible for maximizing our profit. Our Merchandisers do this through creating the best commercial offer for our customers an and our Controllers through coaching our stores to maximize sales and minimize variable costs. These positions are key positions within our organization and our internship program is designed to give you the best possible foundation of tools and training needed to be able to take on a Merchandise Manager or Business Controller role in the future.

The program starts in May-June 2019 and ends in August- September 2019 with a 2-week vacation in August included.

We will start the internship with an introduction at our country office in Milan where you will have the chance to meet our leaders from different functions, get familiar with our company values and get started on a business case together with other interns. We will provide you with a mentor that will be responsible to support you in your development of leadership and business skills.

You will continue your training in one of our stores learning about our core business.
We will end the internship with presentations of the case you have been working on in August/September.

In the end of the internship we will evaluate together with you if becoming a future business leader within H&M is the right path to take. It is our intention to after the internship recruit you to a continuing training program/graduate role with a clear goal to become a Business Controller/Merchandiser. We will align the starting date with your graduation date and provide a tailored training plan working in store and as a junior Controller/Merchandiser until you are ready to take on the Business Controller Merchandise Manager role.

For you to be successful in your role, we believe you need to have:
• An interest in H&M and the retail business
You are graduating with a degree in business or engineering during 2019
• International experience from studying is meriting
Fluency in Italian is required as well as a good level of English. We also highly value the following:
• Result oriented with a strong track record
• Strong analytical skills
• Doer with a high working capacity
• A strong personality with integrity
• A humble attitude
• Leadership potential
• A genuine interest in working in different cities with flexibility regarding work location


We offer you the opportunity to develop and grow in a global organization and to work with a team of value and result driven colleagues in a fast paced, entrepreneurial and team-oriented environment.
We also offer you:
Temporary internship contract with a reimbursement of EUR 500/month (net) with a possibility for extension to a long-term training program

H&M benefits: 

- H&M global staff discount in stores and online (25%) – Includes all brands within the H&M Group (COS, Weekday, Monki, ARKET, &Other Stories, H&M Home and Afound)
– Restaurant tickets to a value of approx. 100/month (net)

Do you want to join the H&M family in Italy and become our future business leaders? Apply with your resume, cover letter and University grades. Last day of application is March 9th, 2019. We will start the recruitment process with ability tests in mid-March. If you proceed to the assessment days, these will be held in the end of April in Milan. We look forward to receiving your application!
Link to apply: https://career.hm.com/content/hmcareer/it_it/findjob/jobs/imported/2019/1/21/00243715.html

The business idea of H&M is “Fashion and quality at the best price in a sustainable way”. The H&M group is one of the biggest fashion companies in the world, with more than 171.000 employees, in over 69 markets. H&M group also includes COS, Weekday, Monki, ARKET, &Other Stories, H&M Home and Afound.

Tirocini: Octo Telematics cerca ingegneri

Octo Telematics, primaria società internazionale attiva nel settore assicurativo e dei servizi correlati, con sede a Roma, offre interessanti opportunità di stage in area marketing per un progetto di lancio di una nuova linea di business dedicata al mondo consumer.
Il candidato ideale è un laureando/laureato in discipline ingegneristiche ed economiche con eccellenti risultati accademici, passione per il mondo Tech, e preferibilmente un’esperienza di studio/stage all’estero.

Lo stagista avrà l’opportunità di essere inserito da subito in un contesto fortemente innovativo, dove parteciperà al lancio di un progetto pilota a forte valenza strategica per il gruppo.

L’ambiente stimolante e dinamico, simile a quello di una start-up, permetterà di acquisire non solo competenze tecniche e di contenuto, ma anche di sviluppare soft skills quali la comunicazione e la relazione con il cliente.

Periodo: 3-6 mesi
Sede: Roma
Rimborso: 600€ al mese
Altro: buoni pasto € 5.29

Corso di laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Meccanica, Economia

Riepilogo informazioni

–          Società: Octo Telematics Spa

–          Sede: via Vincenzo Lamaro 51

–          Durata: 6 mesi max

–          Compenso: mensile €600 +20 ticket restaurant al mese da € 5.29 (in caso di stage curriculare)

mensile €800 +20 ticket restaurant al mese da € 5.29 (in caso di stage extra curriculare)


Si prega di inviare un cv aggiornato al seguente indirizzo risorseumane@octotelematics.com inserendo nell’oggetto il riferimento allo stage in Mobility Special Projects area.

Erasmus+, è on line il nuovo bando 2023-2024

Pubblicato il nuovo bando Erasmus 2023-2024. Il bando per la partecipazione al Programma Erasmus+ KA1- Student Mobility for studies and traineeship è disponibile qui 
La presentazione della domanda di candidatura avverrà esclusivamente online, attraverso la compilazione del modulo di candidatura disponibile al seguente link http://mobint.uniroma2.it/erasmus/candidatura/Default.aspx
Il termine ultimo per presentare ON LINE la propria candidatura è il 28 febbraio 2023 alle ore 12:00.
Per maggiori informazioni vai alla pagina

Firmata la convezione tra Forward Studios e Master in Ingegneria del Suono

Il Prof. Marco Re, direttore del Master in Ingegneria del Suono e dello Spettacolo, e lo Staff del MIS sono orgogliosi di annunciare che è stata stipulata una Convenzione con i Forward Studios di Grottaferrata.

Forward Studios, world-class recording studio ed eccellenza italiana nell’ambito del Pro Audio Recording & Mastering, svolge da anni attività di formazione nell’ambito dello show business, di creazione di standard qualitativi per il settore tecnico dello spettacolo così come di divulgazione di know how sulla gestione di eventi culturali e di spettacolo, formando il personale anche sulla gestione di apparati complessi.

La Convenzione si prefigge come obiettivo dunque di attivare ed approfondire le attività di collaborazione in comune con il MIS, creando sinergie fra le Parti e sfruttando al meglio le competenze presenti nelle due strutture al fine di formare professionisti del settore sia dal punto di vista teorico che dal punto di vista pratico.

Gli studenti del Master e del Corso di Formazione avranno quindi l’opportunità di approfondire la loro esperienza sul campo grazie alle attività formative che i due Enti svolgeranno in collaborazione.

Tirocini: ENEA cerca ingegneri informatici

Attività: Un sistema di supporto alle decisioni basato su ontologia per la valutazione del rischio di eventi naturali

Descrizione: L’attività si inserisce nella tematica dei sistemi basati su GIS. per il supporto alle decisioni nella gestione delle​ ​emergenze derivanti da eventi naturali.

Il metodo sviluppato all’interno del sistema di Supporto alle Decisioni CIPCast  ha l’obiettivo di fornire supporto nelle fasi di preparazione e pianificazione dell’emergenza permettendo di geolocalizzare i possibili rischi sui punti di interesse.

Per la città di Roma, ad esempio, ad oggi sono stati identificati circa 4000 punti di interesse tra cui musei, palazzi governativi e luoghi di attrazione. Ogni punto​ ​di interesse è annotato semanticamente con i concetti di TERMINUS, un’ontologia di dominio sviluppata da​ ​ENEA per concettualizzare gli scenari di rischio, le infrastrutture ed il territorio. CIPCast opera​ ​congiuntamente al sistema CREAM (CREAtivity Machine) che, basandosi su tecniche semantiche e di​ ​creatività computazionale, permette di generare per ogni punto di interesse i tipi di impatto possibili dovuti​ ​ad eventi franosi, terremoti e alluvioni.

L’attività riguarda la generazione di rischi a cascata (domino effects) che​ ​possono essere causati da eventi naturali o antropici quali i terremoti ed i blackout elettrici.


Tecnologie: Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Java, Spring, Google Web Toolkit, PostgreSQL, Protegè

Sede del tirocinio: Enea Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Via Anguillarese 301, Roma.

Durata: 4 mesi

​Contatti: antonio.dipietro@enea.it – Tel. 3394892925



Coletti A., De Nicola A., Di Pietro A., Pollino M., Rosato V., Vicoli G., and Villani M. L. (2018). Towards Semantic Generation of Geolocalized Models of Risk. In Enterprise Interoperability (eds M. Zelm, F. Jaekel, G. Doumeingts and M. Wollschlaeger). doi:10.1002/9781119564034.ch51

Coletti A., De Nicola A., Vicoli G., and Villani M.L. (2018) Semantic Modelling of Cascading Risks in Interoperable Sociotechnical Systems, Proceedings of I-ESA 2018 conference.


De Nicola A., Melchiori M., Villani M.L. (2019) Creative design of emergency management scenarios driven by semantics: An application to smart cities. Information Systems, Vol. 81, 21-48, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.is.2018.10.005.


Giovinazzi S., Pollino M., Kongar I., Rossetto T., Caiaffa E., Di Pietro A., La Porta L., Rosato V., Tofani A. (2017) Towards a decision support tool for assessing, managing and mitigating seismic risk of electric power networks. In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017. ICCSA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10405. Springer, Cham.