“Can you speak MATLAB?” Imparalo a Economia!

Poster MATLAB4Can you speak MATLAB?

Location: Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Venue: Facoltà di Economia – Aula Magna
Date: 14 Marzo 2016
Time: 10:00 – 13:00

Please join us for a free MATLAB seminar to learn how MATLAB can provide you with a breadth of possibilities for incorporating computational techniques into your curriculum and research programs.

In our talks, we present tools, techniques and examples for incorporating computational modeling and data analysis into the curriculum and how MATLAB is used for scientific computation in order to teach courses focused on mathematical modelling, statistics, machine learning, optimization, financial modelling, programming, signal processing etc.

Who Should Attend
This session is open to all professors, researchers and students.

For more information paola.vallauri@mathworks.it

Agenda e iscrizione

L’Ateneo mette a disposizione la Licenza Matlab Campus (valore commerciale circa 2.000 Euro) a tutti gli appartenenti.
Responsabile Scientifico: PROF. STEFANO HERZEL, Metodi matematici dell’economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie