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ErasmusDays 2024 -ErasmusChallenge and Live Event

Erasmus+ testimonials, projects, music and international aperitif

On the occasion of the ErasmusDays 2024, Tor Vergata is launching the Erasmus Challenge contest and a live event to which all students and staff of Tor Vergata are invited.

Join the Erasmus Challenge 2024: share your Erasmus experience with videos and photos. The winners will receive an exclusive prize from our Erasmus Office during the Live event, which will take place on October 17 at the CX Campus of Tor Vergata.

Erasmus Challenge

The challenge consists of sharing your Erasmus experiences through videos and photos on Instagram, using the hashtag #ErasmusTorVergata.

The winners will receive exclusive Tor Vergata merchandise as a prize. The awards ceremony will take place during the live event on October 17.

The Tor Vergata Erasmus Challenge is part of the European Erasmus Challenge. You can find more details here.

How? Share your Erasmus experience with us by posting photos, videos, or reels by October 10. We will show them during the event. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #ErasmusTorVergata !

Live Event

The ErasmusDays 2024 event will take place next october 17th at the CX Campus of Tor Vergata. On this occasion, students, teachers, and administrative staff will be able to share their Erasmus+ experiences. The event is open to all students and staff of Tor Vergata University: in order to participate please fill up the form below:

We will have an aperitif and some great music in the evening! Looking forward to seeing you there!

When? October 17, from 5 PM to 11 PM at Campus X Roma. Take part in the challenge, and you could win a Tor Vergata kit!

Graduatoria relativa al bando di concorso per l’assegnazione di incentivi agli studenti iscritti al primo anno nell’a.a.2022/23 regolarmente iscritti nell’a.a. 2023/24 ai corsi di laurea triennali e magistrali delle classi di particolare interesse nazionale: “ambito scientifico tecnologico” non programmazione nazionale (D.M. 270/04) a.a. 2023/24.