Tirocinio retribuito: Communication Video Engineering cerca laureati in Ingegneria

Società Communication Video Engineering cerca laureati in Ingegneria

(da placement.uniroma2.it)

Tipo di Laurea: Informatica, Ingegneria di internet

Required Academic background

  • Any Master is a plus
  • Various specialization courses & certifications covering different broadcast, IP network and multimedia arguments are welcome
  • Graduation in Engineering Internet or Informatica
  • Also if actually a Student in Engineering


English Fluent (spoken and written)

Italian   Mother tongue

Examples of Working in Communication Video Engineer

  • Solution Design and System engineer for multimedia digital and or Broadcast projects
  • Project manager on medium and small projects
  • System integration about multimedia/broadcast projects
  • System design for audio/EVAC systems
  • System engineer for international multimedia, broadcast, audio, EVAC and IPTV projects
  • Project management for medium and small projects
  • System design and installation in international project for corporate projects (including conference center, theaters and translation systems)
  • IPTV architecture design for broadcast and hospitality market
  • System engineer, integration and commissioning for broadcast and conference projects
  • Small project management in mixed IP/broadcast environment
  • Multimedia and home-automation programming
  • IPTV architecture design for broadcast and hospitality market
  • System integration on television and audio systems. Software/drivers development for broadcast hardware. Field assistance and project management on national projects. Projects manager deploying streaming and IPTV platforms
  • System and Integration tester on Billing and Post-Billing platforms. Patch installation and testing purpose scripting. Defect replication and analysis, bug fixing on Unix platform. Streaming performance testing and validation
  • Software developer for a series of projects regarding complete vision system in industrial automation market

Example of Required Skills

  • OS: Mac OSX; Windows; Linux; UNIX (HP)
  • Software: C/C++/C#, Java, Visual Basic, Perl, Php, SQL. Scripting in all major platforms with different languages (Windows, Linux/Unix, MacOS)

Environments:  Network & cloud protocols. Excellent knowledge in multimedia standard. knowledge in hospitality & conference environment. Good experiences in audio/EVAC systems. Experiences as server/linux/web and network administrator. Good knowledge of streaming/VOD and OTT environment. Good knowledge of DVB standards. Virtualizzation platform such as VMWare, Hyper-V. Container system such as Docker , KUBERNETES

Compenso: € 1.000 al mese per stage di tre mesi finalizzato all’assunzione.

Dotazione di un telefono aziendale e PC.

Sede di lavoro Via Teulada 52 Roma.

I CV possono essere inviati a: cesare.colaiuda@cve-italy.com

30/03 – AlphaTauri: Speed up Your Future 2021

da placement.uniroma2.it


Martedì 30 marzo 2021
ore 9.30-12.30

Scuderia AlphaTauri and Randstad are back in the Universities!

The most ambitious and disruptive F1 team and the global leader in the HR services industry will organise a training morning. Through the meeting with the top engineering technicians of Scuderia AlphaTauri F1 and the professionals of Randstad we will see how hard and soft skills must race together in the constant strive for perfection.

If you are a student in Engineering (Mechanical, Mechatronics, Computer, Electronics, Medical, Management, ICT, Internet Engineering)

SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.randstad.it/speed-up-your-future-30th-march-2021/


30th March 2021

  • 09.30 green lights!
  • 09.35 welcome by Fabio Costantini, CEO Randstad HR Solutions
  • 09.45 welcome by Otello Valenti, HR Director Scuderia AlphaTauri F1
  • 10.00 tune up your engine. the world of work is changing, the power is in your hands. by Paolo Passoni, Team Manager Specialties; Davide Zucchetti, Team Manager Education; Alessandra Telesca, Talent Selection Specialist
  • 11.00 F1 Car Control Systems Overview by Alessandro Poggi, Head of Electronics Scuderia AlphaTauri F1
  • 11.45 a little surprise from the team
  • 12.00 set your car and try yourself on some questions

8/03 – Capgemini + Tor Vergata, “Women Innovation Lab”

Capgemini Italia SpA presenta la Quarta Edizione del Progetto “Women Innovation Lab” in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

L’incontro si terrà l’8 Marzo a partire dalle ore 14:00 presso la sede Capgemini Italia di Roma sita in Via di Torre Spaccata , 140.

Sarà un incontro esclusivo dedicato alle studentesse appassionate di innovazione e tecnologia che hanno deciso o decideranno – anche dopo essersi confrontate con la nostra realtà – di abbracciare una carriera ritenuta per molti anni prerogativa dell’universo maschile: un mito oramai superato e di gran lunga sfatato.

Nel corso del pomeriggio le partecipanti avranno l’opportunità di conoscere le Manager di Capgemini, donne determinate con un brillante percorso di carriera nel settore della consulenza che condivideranno le proprie esperienze e abilità. A conclusione delle testimonianze le ragazze potranno quindi mettersi alla prova cimentandosi nella risoluzione  di un  interessante business case pensato e predisposto appositamente per l’evento.

Per registrarsi e ricevere maggiori dettagli sull’evento, invitiamo tutte le studentesse iscritte ai corsi di ICT & Internet Engineering, Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Gestionale, Fisica, Matematica, Economia interessate a partecipare, a inviare un’email all’indirizzo placement@uniroma2.it (Oggetto: Women Innovation Lab 2019).

Si tratta di una iniziativa a numero chiuso a cui potranno partecipare solo le prime 20 iscritte. Ci riserviamo altresì la possibilità di selezionare candidate che si dimostreranno curiose e motivate ad intraprendere un percorso di crescita professionale nella nostra azienda.