Tirocini: Amazon cerca ingegneri per le sue sedi in Lussemburgo

Buisness Analysis internship
4-6 months
Location : Luxembourg
Language : English

Link to the website : https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/985990/business-analysis-internship?mode%5B%5D=view

Short information about internship :

You will put your analytical and technical skills to test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will contribute to improve the functionality and level of service that team provides to our customers. This could include:
· Learning how to partner across multiple teams and geographies
· Developing and executing upon some of the world’s most complex data analyses which will in turn, drive the correct business decisions
· Helping identify process improvement opportunities to build streamlined and scalable solutions
· Partnering with the team to perform deep root cause analyses when facing problems
· Assisting in the development of business cases for new programs and services
· Participating in the development, delivering, maintenance and improvement of performance metrics dashboards
· Becoming part of a team of trusted advisors throughout an entire business unit.


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.
· You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis or other quantitative areas or related fields
· Fluency in Microsoft Excel and basic knowledge in MySQL and/or SQL
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
· You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for
· Attention to detail, ability to do in-depth data mining, methodical approach to work while also seeking to understand the big picture
· You will be results driven with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices
· The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Familiar with Oracle and/or any AWS products (Redshift, EMR, etc.)
    · Any additional technical skills such as coding (python, R, Django, etc.), data visualization (Tableau, Qlikview, PowerPivot, Microstrategy) or operations research can be a bonus.
    · Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
    · Previous work experience – a summer job, internship; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.


Buisness Intelligence Internship
4-6 months
Location : Luxembourg
Langauge : English

Link to the website : https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/986020/business-intelligence-internship?mode%5B%5D=view

Short information about internship :

As a Business Intelligence intern, you could join one of the following teams: supply chain, network planning, inventory placement, transportation, last mile, finance, planning & analysis (FP&A) or finance & controlling.

You will put your BI skills to test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will contribute to improve the functionality and level of service that team provides to our customers. This could include:
· Learning how to partner across multiple teams and geographies
· Developing and executing upon some of the world’s most complex data analyses which will in turn, drive the correct business decisions
· Helping identify process improvement opportunities to build streamlined and scalable solutions
· Partnering with the team to perform deep root cause analyses when facing problems
· Assisting in the development of business cases for new programs and services
· Participating in the development, delivering, maintenance and improvement of performance metrics dashboards
· Becoming part of a team of trusted advisors throughout an entire business unit.


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.
· You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Business Intelligence, Supply Chain/Logistics, Finance, Computer Science, Information Management, Applied Mathematics, Statistics/statistical analysis or other quantitative areas or related fields.
· Fluency in Microsoft Excel and good knowledge in SQL languages.
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
· You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
· Attention to detail, ability to do in-depth data mining, methodical approach to work while also seeking to understand the big picture
· You will be results driven with the ability to innovate and simplify current process and practices.
· The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Familiar with AWS products and environment (Redshift, EC2, EMR, S3 etc).
    · Familiar with data engineering and data pipe-lining.
    · Any additional technical skills such as coding (python, R, Django, Spark etc.), data visualization (Tableau, Qlikview, PowerPivot, Microstrategy) or operations research can be a bonus.
    · Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
    · Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or fulltime role; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.


Finance Internship
4-6 months
Location : Luxembourg
Language : English

Link to the website : https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/986024/finance-internship?mode%5B%5D=view

Short information about internship :

You will have the chance to put your analytical and technical skills to the test; you’ll assist with gathering massive amounts of data and finding out the exact trend that can be acted upon to reduce cost and/or improve efficiency. You’ll be involved in reporting, forecasting and building KPI dashboards that will support an entire business unit in their decision making process. You’ll gain invaluable first hand experience in improving accuracy alongside automating tools and processes.

As an intern in Finance you could join one of the following teams: Finance Planning & Analysis, Operations Finance, Transportation Finance, Infrastructure Finance, etc.


  • You are currently working towards a university degree in a quantitative field, such as Business Administration/Intelligence, Finance, Economics, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or similar.
    · You’re fluent in MS Excel.
    · Basic knowledge of VBA, MySQL and/or SQL is a plus.
    · You’re comfortable working in English.
    · You already have clearance to work in the country you are applying for, including any visas that may be required on your part.
    · You maintain close attention-to-detail, with an ability to carry out in-depth data mining; your approach is always methodical as you build understanding of the bigger picture.
    · You come with the ability to innovate, simplify processes and practices.


  • Data visualisation skills are also beneficial, such as proficiency in Tableau, PowerPivot, PowerBI and QuickSight.
    · You’re well organised: confident when working in a fast-paced environment, you stay on top of your deadlines and meet them consistently.
    · You have previous work experience (this could be an internship or student job).


Project Management Internship
4-6 months
Location : Luxembourg
Language : English

Link to the webstie : https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/986037/project-management-internship?mode%5B%5D=view

Short information about internship :

Key responsibilities
· You will support the project managers in one or several projects by supporting them in tracking open actions, conducting ad hoc deep dives to provide data insights useful for decision making, analyzing processes to identify critical points and improvement opportunities and anticipating for risks.
· You will support the team in recommending and executing network improvements.
· You will work with the team to identify process improvement or standardization opportunities for the European network.

Key learning objectives
· Data Analytics
At the end of this internship, you will have developed skills to extract and manipulate large and complex dataset using Oracle SQL, will be given insights on simulation models and will have learnt to master the usage of analytics for driving business decisions and change.
· Project management
You will have learnt key success factors to project implementation and stakeholder management in a complex and international environment. You will have used advanced project management tools and will be able to successfully provide project members with support. You will have learnt to anticipate for and mitigate risks.
· Soft skills
You will have learnt how to communicate results and status updates to stakeholders and Senior Management. You will have interacted with a wide range of people with very diverse roles, from Fulfilment Centers Managers to Research Scientists


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can relentlessly improve the experience for our customers.
· You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Business Administration or other quantitative areas or related fields.
· Excellent analytical skills, preferably with advanced level in Excel.
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
· You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
· Problem solving mindset, proactive issue resolution skills and ability to manage multiple priorities.
· You are able to demonstrate curiosity and pro-activity, which will allow you to gain greater autonomy in the course of the internship and make the most of your time with us to fully achieve your learning and development goals.
· The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Ability to work successfully in a fast-moving environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
    · Previous working knowledge of project management tools (Gantt charts, document sharing etc.) is a plus.
    · Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or fulltime role; if it’s an experience in a related field or business, even better.
    · Students enrolled or recently graduated from an MBA are also welcome to apply


Software development internship
4-6 months
Location : Luxembourg
Language : English

Link to the website : https://www.amazon.jobs/en/jobs/986022/software-development-internship?mode%5B%5D=view

Short information about internship :

As an intern in Software Development, you could join one of the following teams: Amazon Logistics, Transportation, Prime Now, Inventory Placement and more.

You will put your analytical and technical skills to the test and roll up your sleeves to complete a project that will contribute to improve the functionality and level of service that teams provides to our customers. This could include:
· Participating in building the most user-friendly Business Intelligence tools in the industry
· Taking part in the design of effective services to manage master data maintenance and replication in a distributed system
· Proposing ideas, participating in designing, implementing and testing solutions to help the business
· Meeting with the customers to learn about their needs and evaluate the proposed/implemented solution
· Partnering with the business analysis team to learn about the business-side requirements.


We want to hire the world’s brightest minds, and offer them an environment in which they can learn and help improve the experience for our customers.
· You are currently working towards a 2+ years university degree in computer science or a related field.
· Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
· You must have the right to work in the country you are applying for.
· Computer Science fundamentals in object-oriented design, data structures, algorithm design, problem solving, and complexity analysis.
· Knowledge in two or more programming languages (Ruby on Rails, Java, C#, C++, Python…).
· You are results-driven with analytical skills and the ability to innovate and simplify current processes and practices.
· You should have strong decision making skills, that use sound reasoning and when required use consultation to achieve consensus.
· The personal drive and enthusiasm that makes you stand out from the crowd!


  • Familiar with MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, RedShift
    · Version Control using Git or Mercurial
    · At ease with Linux
    · Experience in testing (Unit, Integration)
    · Agile development methodologies (SCRUM)
    · Hardware architecture (Servers, redundancy, backups, performance analysis)
    · Ability to work successfully in an ambiguous environment, to meet tight deadlines and prioritize workload even when faced with conflicting priorities.
    · The ability to develop models and tools through the use of high-level modeling languages.
    · Previous work experience – a summer job, internship or full- time role; if it’s an experience in designing optimization models for inventory, network flows and other characteristics of supply-chain systems (e.g., staff scheduling, vehicle routing, and facility location), accompanied by associated expertise in the use of tools and the latest technology or software development, even better.

AMAZON WOMEN IN INNOVATION: 1 borsa di studio per studentesse iscritte a Ingegneria. Entro 9/03 presentazione delle domande

È stato firmato alla fine di dicembre 2019 il bando di selezione per una borsa di studio di €6000 per le giovanissime studentesse fresche di immatricolazione nell’a.a. 2019/2020 nei corsi di studio in Ingegneria Informatica e Ingegneria di Internet del nostro ateneo. Una opportunità – messa a disposizione da Amazon che ha finanziato la borsa di studio – per chi è in condizioni meno agiate, che può essere rinnovata per i due anni successivi, andando a coprire parte delle spese affrontate per raggiungere la laurea triennale. Ma i tempi sono stretti e a ridosso delle prime sessioni di esame: la domanda di partecipazione va presentata entro il 9 marzo 2020.

“Stiamo cercando di fare la differenza per molte giovani donne che un giorno diventeranno leader nell’innovazione”,  ha spiegato all’ANSA  Mariangela Marseglia, VP Country Manager di Amazon.it e Amazon.es


Ecco un estratto dai primi articoli del bando che è consultabile e scaricabile assieme agli allegati necessari dal sito web di ateneo

Al fine di aiutare le giovani donne provenienti da contesti meno avvantaggiati a soddisfare la propria ambizione di lavorare nell’innovazione e nella tecnologia, è indetta presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” la selezione per l’assegnazione di n.1 Borsa di studio dell’importo di € 6.000,00 al lordo delle ritenute fiscali di legge e al netto degli oneri a carico dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” (IRAP), destinata alle studentesse immatricolate per la prima volta all’a.a.2019/2020 al Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica oppure al Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria di Internet presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

La vincitrice beneficerà, inoltre, di un percorso di mentorship per aiutare a sviluppare competenze utili per il lavoro futuro, come, ad esempio, le tecniche per creare un curriculum efficace o affrontare un colloquio di lavoro in Amazon o in altre aziende.

La Borsa di studio è rinnovabile per lo stesso importo per i due anni accademici successivi nel caso siano soddisfatti i requisiti previsti dall’art. 9 del presente bando.

Possono concorrere all’assegnazione della Borsa di studio le studentesse che alla data di scadenza del bando risultino in possesso dei seguenti requisiti:

  • Siano immatricolate per la prima volta all’a.a. 2019/2020 al Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica oppure al Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria di Internet presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”;

  • Abbiano conseguito e regolarmente verbalizzato almeno 18 CFU, utili al conseguimento del titolo;

  • Abbiano riportato una media pesata degli esami utili al conseguimento del titolo non inferiore a 26/30.


Amazon ha già potuto testare la preparazione degli studenti di Ingegneria ed Economia a “Tor Vergata”, che hanno vinto l’edizione 2018 dell’Amazon Innovation Award volando fino al quartier generale dell’azienda mondiale di spedizioni a Seattle per presentare il loro progetto ai top manager americani.


Il Team “TorVergata” – Ingegneria+Economia – vince l’Amazon Innovation Award 2018

Hanno vinto! La squadra formata da Michele Baldassarre, Claudia Costanzo, Miriam Di Mario e Giulia Di Prospero non soltanto ha vinto il contest locale romano dell’università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, ma è stata scelta come vincitrice dell’Amazon Innovation Award nazionale 2018, giocandosela alla pari con il Politecnico di Milano e il Politecnico di Torino. Sono stati infatti i tre atenei italiani gli unici coinvolti da Amazon per il suo Innovation Award, giunto quest’anno alla terza edizione, per totale di circa 400 studenti riuniti in squadre e pronti a presentare circa 80 progetti innovativi.
Quest’anno la sfida lanciata da Amazon agli studenti era relativa allo sviluppo di idee innovative nell’area dell’Operations Management e in particolare riguardo la gestione del magazzino e la logistica interna.
Il 12, 13 e 14 febbraio, rispettivamente al Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano e all’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” si sono tenute le premiazione dei vincitori locali. E il 14 febbraio nel nostro Ateneo è anche stato annunciato il vincitore finale, a livello italiano, che è risultato appunto essere il primo classificato a Tor Vergata.
Il team vincitore è composto da Claudia Costanzo, Miriam di Mario, Giulia Di Prospero (tre studentesse di Ingegneria Gestionale) e Michele Baldassarre (studente di Economia). Il progetto da loro presentato è denominato “XIVA” e propone un perfezionamento della nota tecnologia “kiva” già in uso nei centri distributivi Amazon. L’innovazione consiste nell’estensione delle funzioni di questi robot magazzinieri per comprendere operazioni di carico e scarico, migliorandone l’interazione con le persone anche dal punto di vista della sicurezza. Gli studenti hanno presentato la loro idea sintetizzata nel formato “six-pager” richiesto da Amazon, completa però di una progettazione di massima, dimensionamento logistico, analisi cost-benefici, analisi di rischio e di impatto sui processi.
Il prof. Max Schiraldi ha svolto il ruolo di “tutor” supervisionando l’elaborazione di tutti i progetti degli studenti: “la sfida ricadeva esattamente all’interno del mio tema di lavoro, io insegno Operations Management  e sono stato il loro interfaccia con Amazon”.

La notizia della vittoria ripresa dalla stampa

14/02 – Amazon Innovation Award 2018, la premiazione!

14/02 – Amazon Innovation Award 2018, la premiazione!

Giovedì 14 febbraio nell’aula Convegni degli edifici di Ingegneria si conclude ufficialmente l’edizione 2018 dell’Amazon Innovation Award, il contest promosso dalla multinazionale di Seattle e che vede in competizione team di studenti di tre atenei italiani: il Politecnico di Torino, il Politecnico di Milano e – ovviamente – l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

È la seconda edizione del contest e quest’anno la sfida lanciata agli studenti riguarda lo sviluppo di idee innovative finalizzate all’efficientamento delle operations all’interno dei fulfillment centers di Amazon, come quello di Passo Corese, aperto appunto a inizio 2018 nel Centro Italia.

“L’Amazon Award si è confermata una iniziativa estremamente interessante per gli studenti, a cui hanno partecipato con entusiasmo” commenta il prof. Massimiliano Schiraldi, referente a Tor Vergata per Amazon e tutor per gli studenti del contest. “I ragazzi hanno ideato interessanti soluzioni nell’ambito del warehousing e del material handling: alcune di queste erano assolutamente innovative e originali. Sono molto soddisfatto di quello che ho potuto vedere”.

Il contest ha visto gli studenti impegnati per due mesi, da inizio ottobre 2018 a inizio dicembre. “Il tempo non è stato molto, devo ammettere – continua Schiraldi – questo ha anche un po’ disincentivato la partecipazione. Alcuni studenti che si erano inizialmente registrati alla gara non sono riusciti a consegnare in tempo. Alla fine si tratta di progetti complessi e la necessità di sintetizzare il tutto in massimo sei pagine richiede comunque uno sforzo addizionale. Ci sono studenti che hanno riprogettato un modello di centro distributivo ex-novo”.

Alla cerimonia di premiazione del 14 febbraio interverranno anche i reclutatori di Amazon, per illustrare le posizioni aperte in azienda, per dare indicazioni sul processo di selezione e suggerimenti per i colloqui. “Speriamo si decidano anche ad annunciare la nuova edizione dell’Award! – conclude il professore – Gira voce che per il round 2019 è possibile che il contest venga allargato anche a studenti dell’ultimo anno delle lauree triennali e dottorandi di ricerca. Sarebbe molto più interessante e coinvolgente”.

Amazon cerca un responsabile di produzione nella sede di Passo Corese

Ingegneria Tor Vergata ha un legame particolare con Amazon. Per questo dà spazio a queste recentissime richieste.


Amazon is a company of builders. A philosophy of ownership carries through everything we do — from the proprietary technologies we create to the new businesses we launch and grow. You’ll find it in every team across our company.

Every day across the world we develop the ideas, the services and the products that make life easier for tens of millions of customers. From providing Earth’s biggest selection of products to developing ground-breaking software and devices that change entire industries, Amazon is a place of invention and progressive thinking.

Amazon is continually evolving and is a place where motivated employees thrive and employee ownership and accountability lead to meaningful results. It’s as simple as this: Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History.
With every order made and parcel delivered, customer demand at Amazon is growing. And to meet this demand, and keep our world-class service running smoothly, we’re growing our Operations team across Europe.
Delivering hundreds of thousands of products to hundreds of countries worldwide, our Operations teams possess a wide range of skills and experience. These range from business analysis and inventory management, to team leadership, engineering, transportation and retail. Our network of Fulfilment Centres is supported by Operations Managers, Support Managers, Senior Operations Managers and Team Managers. Between them they take responsibility for the receipt and stowing of inventory, picking, packing and shipping, to ensure that our customers receive what they want, when they want it.
Whatever your background or current area of expertise, if you’re motivated by results and driven enough to achieve them, Amazon is a great place to be. We’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt to changes quickly and we encourage you to try new things and take your career down different paths. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth.

About the Graduate role:
Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic graduates to join the fast paced world of Logistics in Italian Operations as a Graduate Area/Shift Manager. This will be a permanent role from day one with structured onboarding and plenty of training and support.

–          Area Manager – permanent contract job: https://www.amazon.jobs/fr/jobs/758031/graduate-responsabile-di-produzione-area-manager-leadership-program-italy

Whatever your background, if you love gathering massive amounts of data and finding out the exact trend that can be acted upon to reduce cost and/or improve efficiency, reporting, forecasting and building KPI dashboards that will support an entire business in their decision making process, improving accuracy and automating tools and processes to contribute in making your team extremely reliable and efficient; and if you are motivated by results and driven enough to achieve them, Amazon is a great place to be. Because it’s only by coming up with new ideas and challenging the status quo that we can continue to be the most customer-centric company on Earth, we’re all about flexibility: we expect you to adapt quickly to all the changes around you, and we encourage you to try new things.

Amazon is looking for ambitious and enthusiastic students to join our unique world as interns. An Amazon EU internship will provide you with an unforgettable experience in a fast-paced, dynamic and international environment; it will boost your resume and will provide a superb introduction to our activities.

–          Finance internship: https://www.amazon.jobs/fr/jobs/752224/internship-data-analysis-for-finance-m-f