Incarichi di collaborazione a tempo parziale per studenti a.a. 2018/19: ecco la graduatoria provvisoria

Il giorno 2 agosto 2019, alle ore 9:00, si è riunita la Commissione per il conferimento di n.78 incarichi di collaborazione a tempo parziale ai servizi resi dall’Ateneo di cui n.49 incarichi da svolgersi presso la Macroarea di Ingegneria, n. 14 da svolgersi presso la Biblioteca della macroarea, n. 13 presso i Servizi Generali di Ateneo e n.2 presso CARIS; relativo all’a.a. 2018/2019 in seguito alla delibera del C.d.A. del 07/05/2019 e al parere del Senato Accademico nella seduta del 16/04/2019.


Ecco il verbale della prima riunione e la graduatoria provvisoria

Per le eventuali istanze o richieste di informazioni, entro il 15 settembre contattare presso la Segreteria Studenti o via mail la sig.ra Emanuela Di Maulo, segretario della commissione.

Tirocini remunerati: OCTO Telematics cerca ingegneri (2 posizioni)

Octo Telematics researches an intern to be included in Integration & testing area. His/Her activity will be focused on the support to the validation new solutions Hw and Fw. It will also provide support for to reporting the anomalies, it will also have to ensure for the tasks under its responsibility that the quality of the data, sent to the requesting department are in line with the target set by Octo and Companies. Basic Knowledge of English language and analytical skills are mandatory

The candidate must be oriented towards achieving important goals of professional growth. Relational skills, predisposition to group work, organizational skills combined with excellent interpersonal and communication skills are fundamental requisites.

The intern will be involved in the following activities:

– Validation of telematics systems within the IOT framework – Validation of sensors (Bluetooth, RF, Motion sensor)

Application requirements:

Knowledge of IT tools, Office, Matlab, automation tools (Es: NI Labview) and lab instrumentation (power supply, multimeter, diagnostic tools)

University Master or Bachelor Degree (at least 60 CFU acquired): Electronic Engineering, Automation engineering

Period: maximum 6 months
Place of work: Rome
Reimbursement: 600€ per month (laureandi)/800€ per month (laureati) Other facilities: ticket restaurant € 5.29

Please send an updated CV to with reference to the Internship in “Integration & testing area”.

Octo Telematics è alla ricerca di stagisti da integrare all’interno del gruppo “Edge Solutions Innovation”.

Le attività principali saranno Analisi dati e Machine Learning; i task includeranno la progettazione, l’implementazione e il testing di algoritmi per l’analisi dati e la classificazione di eventi.

Le tecnologie coinvolte saranno: sensori di movimento, reti neurali e tool di analisi dati.

Il candidato dovrà possedere orientamento al lavoro per obiettivi ed al rispetto delle scadenze, abilità di problem solving, doti comunicative e relazionali, propensione al lavoro in team e forte proattività.

Inscritti (almeno 60 CFU) o laureati in: Ingegneria, Matematica, Computer Science, Fisica e Statistica

Periodo: massimo 6 mesi Luogo di lavoro: Roma

Rimborso spese: 600€ mensili (laureandi)/800€mensili (laureati) e ticket restaurant € 5.29

Inviare un CV aggiornato a facendo riferimento allo stage “Crash Analytics”.

Tirocini retribuiti: Vodafone Internship Program per ingegneri gestionali

Tipo di Laurea: Economia, Ingegneria

Vodafone Internship Program is a development path dedicated to both Bachelor and Master’s students, which allows you to spend 6 months of as an active member in one of our teams. After this experience, you will be able to relay complex information in a simple, clear and concise way to senior management. You will gain independence in performing the tasks assigned, setting priorities and achieving yours goals. It includes also the opportunity to work on a project that could be the topic of your final dissertation. The Internship Program may be just the first step of you career in Vodafone. In fact, it will allow you to be part of the selection process for our Discover Program.

Being part of our Retail department means to step up and gain responsibilities in activities such as

  • Analysis and evaluation of stores’ performances in terms of sales KPI and NPS
  • Preparation and creation of modelling and reports
  • Geo-marketing and ad-hoc analysis.

Through these activities, you will have the opportunity to have a closer look to one of the main touch-points Vodafone has with its clients and acquire strong analytical skills.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for students or recent graduates with a background in Management, Management Engineering or Statistics in particular it is important to have a strong interest and focus about analytics.
To join our Internship Program our qualifying requirements are:

  • Top academic performance
  • Proficiency in English
  • International Experience
  • Solid analytical skills and good knowledge of Microsoft Office

Type of contract: Internship

Monthly internship allowance (gross): 800

Start date:  September/October 2019

Location: Milano

What are you waiting for? Let’s apply!

Send your CV: