Seminari Erasmus+ : 23-24/01 Jesus Gomez-Hernandez, PhD, a Ingegneria Industriale

Jesús Gómez-Hernández, PhD was born in 1987 in Albacete, Spain. He obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the University Carlos III of Madrid in 2014. He works as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Thermal and Fluids Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid, teaching several courses of Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering for bachelor students. He has worked as post-doc at the TU Delft University (The Netherlands) in the nanofluidization field. He has published 17 journal papers, co-supervised 1 Thesis and is co- author of 1 patent.

Program: Erasmus +
Hosts: Dr. Stefano Cordiner and Dr. Vincenzo Mulone

Agglomerates detection in fluidized bed technology using non-intrusive methods

23 Gennaio 2019

Aula seminari Ingegneria Industriale II piano, ore 15

Summary: The formation of agglomerates during thermochemical processes at high temperature is one of the major causes of bed defluidization. The non-intrusive detection of this phenomenon is a challenge due to the complex nature of fluidization dynamics. In this talk, new agglomeration detection methods will be explained for nanoparticles fluidization and for Geldart B particles. The experiments will show, visually and analytically, the performance of the methods, which are based on pressure fluctuation signals, to early detect agglomeration and bed defluidization.


New trends in Concentrating Solar Power

24 Gennaio 2019

Aula seminari Ingegneria Industriale II piano, ore 15

Summary: The EU’s decarbonization scenario towards 2050 is a challenge that Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with thermal energy storage systems may face in a renewable and clean way. To accomplish that objective, CSP technology must reduce its costs. This talk explains the different CSP technologies, its future trends and the developments carried out at Carlos III University. The influence of the absorption temperature of the heat transfer fluid (HTF) on the plant efficiency will be addressed. New HTFs (particles), new energy storage systems (Calcium looping) and the new solar receiver designs needed to reach high HTF temperatures will be described.

“Green Your University” Award: aperte le iscrizioni al premio di UNICA Green

Help your university go green!


The “Green Your University” Award is a competition that allows students to make a positive environmental impact on their university, all while participating in an international contest with students from all over Europe. The award recognizes creative and innovative student projects that contribute to improving sustainable development on university campuses.

The “Green Your University” Award recognizes creative and innovative student projects that contribute to improving sustainable development on university campuses.

Through this award, we seek to:

  • Engage students and encourage them to become actors of sustainability in their universities;
  • Inspire students by showing them what can be achieved and how successful projects can be developed;
  • Share best practices and knowledge with students and other university members.

The best project will be rewarded: members of the winning team will all receive an interrail pass, a train ticket that makes it possible to visit any of 30 European countries for 10 days within one month! Each year, they will be invited to present their project during the UNICA GREEN Workshop. The next Workshop will be held in Lausanne in March 2019. Members will also get the opportunity to visit one of the universities of the UNICA GREEN core group to discover what the university has achieved in terms of sustainability.

The submitted projects will be used to create a database of best practices of green students’ projects around Europe.

Comments, questions or concerns? Send us an email at

Application opens on October 1, 2018. Deadline to apply is December 15, 2018.

Important Dates

  • Application open: October 1, 2018.

  • Application deadline: December 15, 2018*

  • Announcement of winning projects: February 15, 2018

  • Award Ceremony: March 6-8, 2019 at UNIL, Lausanne

UNICA – Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe was founded in 1990. It is currently made up of 49 universities from 37 capital cities of Europe – including Tor Vergata University of Rome – combining over 160,000 university staff and 1.900,000 students. The activities of the Network are guided by the principles expressed in its Mission & Vision.

Settimana Europea per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile


“Tor Vergata” per lo sviluppo sostenibile


30 maggio – 5 giugno 2016: questi i giorni durante i quali si celebra la “Settimana europea per lo sviluppo sostenibile” (European Sustainable Development Week – ESDW).

Guarda le iniziative dell’Ateneo

E nella Settimana Europea per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile 2016 la Macroarea di Ingegneria “Tor Vergata” c’è!

Guarda i contributi video:

  • prof. Stefano Cordiner (ITA; EN)E
  • prof. Antonella Falzetti (ITA; EN)


Senza titoloUNICA is an institutional network of 46 universities from 35 capital cities of Europe, combining over 150,000 staff and 1,800,000 students. Within this network the UNICA GREEN workgroup is dedicated to sustainability actions in Campuses.
The annual workshop of UNICA GREEN is a significant chance for exchanging experiences and best practices as well as a networking opportunity for both UNICA members and interested partners. This event is becoming every year a more interesting opportunity to put in evidence the role of Universities in building a sustainable future and a very effective place where ideas and experiences may be exchanged.

6th UNICA GREEN (UGAF) Workshop is organised by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in collaboration with Sapienza University or Rome and RomaTre University with the help of the UNICA GREEN core group members.

The conference focuses on a broad range of topics related to campus sustainability.
The topic this year is particularly challenging: achieving “Carbon Neutrality” is indeed a very ambitious task but, at the same time, the potential impacts associated with this initiative are impressive in terms of visibility and possible outcomes.

Distinguished speakers from different universities will stimulate the discussion on different aspects of sustainability management and design in University Campuses.

Direct experiences from different institution will also provide insights into the issues of sustainability in campus life. The goal is to provide a productive environment for discussions, exchange good practices and innovative approaches. The role of all components in Campus life will be discussed and special attention will be paid to student initiatives and engagement.

All the details of the meeting and the workshop program can be found at the UNICA newtwork event web page

May 2 -3, 2016
Università degli Studi di Roma – Macroarea di Ingegneria
Viale del Politecnico,1 00133 Roma

May 4, 2016
Sapienza Università di Roma – Facoltà di Ingegneria
Via Eudossiana, 18,00184 Roma

Local Contacts: Stefano CORDINER Claudia FIORANI

Il convegno UNICA GREEN in questa sesta edizione, che si terrà a Roma dal 2 al 4 maggio, è dedicato al tema della “carbon neutrality”, identifica una sfida particolare: raggiungere la neutralità nella produzione di CO2.

Organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, in collaborazione con Sapienza Università di Roma e l’Università di Roma Tre, il workshop vede il supporto dei membri del core group di UNICA GREEN, il gruppo di lavoro dedicato alle azioni di sostenibilità nei campus all’interno di UNICA, il network internazionale delle università delle città capitali d’Europa.

In questi tre giorni relatori provenienti da diverse università si incontreranno per condurre il dibattito sui diversi aspetti della gestione e della progettazione della sostenibilità nei campus universitari.

Sarà evidenziata la accountability degli atenei, la responsabilità riguardo a sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed economica. Nella sessione di apertura del workshop (il 2 maggio alle 15.15, Macroarea di Ingegneria di “Tor Vergata”,) il rettore dell’università di Siena, Angelo Riccaboni, presenterà la rete NeSSO – Network Siena Sustenibilità e parlerà di come misurare la neutralità ovvero di come realizzare un bilancio sociale della neutralità.

Da segnalare la tavola rotonda, il 2 maggio ore 17:30, Macroarea di Ingegneria di “Tor Vergata”, moderata da Hilligje Van’t Land, direttore del Membership and Programme Development della IAU – International Association of University, che ha partecipato ai lavori di COP 21, la conferenza sul clima che si è tenuto a Parigi pochi mesi fa, sul tema dell’Educazione e cambiamenti climatici.

Le esperienze dirette provenienti dalle diverse istituzioni forniranno lo stato dell’arte della sostenibilità nella vita all’interno dei campus. L’obiettivo è costruire un ambiente favorevole al confronto e allo scambio di buone pratiche e di approcci innovativi. Si discuterà, inoltre, del ruolo di tutti i componenti nella vita del campus e particolare attenzione sarà riservata alle iniziative studentesche e al coinvolgimento degli studenti nella sessione Student Engagement, che si terrà presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria della alla Sapienza, via San Pietro in Vincoli il 4 maggio.

Per tutti i dettagli del workshop consultare

Il workshop di UNICA GREEN che si svolge tutti gli anni è una opportunità significativa per lo scambio di esperienze e buone pratiche come pure una opportunità di fare rete sia per i membri di UNICA sia per i partner interessati. Questo evento diventa di anno in anno sempre più un opportunità interessante per evidenziare il ruolo delle università nella costruzione di un futuro sostenibile e nell’essere il vero posto dove idee ed esperienze possono essere condivise.

I luoghi del workshop:

2 -3 maggio 2016

Università degli Studi di Roma – Macroarea di Ingegneria, Viale del Politecnico,1 00133 Roma

4 maggio 2016

Sapienza Università di Roma – Facoltà di Ingegneria, Via Eudossiana, 18,00184 Roma

Local Contact “Tor Vergata”: