10/06 – webinar Capgemini Engineering: Women in STEM (ma anche Men)

da placement.uniroma2.it


Giovedì 10 giugno 2021
ore 16.30-17.30
live su Microsoft Teams

Lingua: italiano / Language: Italian

  • Sei un laureando o neolaureato che sta terminando o ha terminato un percorso universitario in discipline STEM?
  • Sei una persona curiosa di natura e con una propensione all’innovazione?
  • Credi nell’importanza di lavorare in un contesto che valorizza le diversità di ciascuno e favorisce l’inclusione?

Entra in Capgemini Engineering. Non perdere l’occasione per scoprire una realtà giovane e innovativa, dove poter sviluppare il tuo talento. L’evento sarà l’occasione anche per presentare il programma Capgemini Engineering dedicato alle donne.

Giovedì 10 giugno dalle ore 16.30 alle ore 17.30 

Capgemini Engineering terrà in modalità virtuale una presentazione aperta a tutti gli studenti e laureati dei corsi di laurea delle facoltà STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) all’interno della quale potrai ascoltare la testimonianza di due professioniste che fanno parte del programma aziendale “Women in STEM“.

Anna Chiara Scalinci e Ottavia Mirra racconteranno le tappe che hanno scandito la loro brillante carriera nel mondo STEM – fra soddisfazioni e ostacoli superati con caparbietà – e risponderanno alle tue domande.

Marco Bilaghi, HR Recruiter, illustrerà il mondo Capgemini Engineering, la value proposition e le opportunità attualmente aperte.

L’evento avrà una durata di circa un’ora e si concluderà con un momento dedicato al Q&A.

Ti aspettiamo!

Come registrarsi

Se sei uno studente o neolaureato in discipline tecnico-scientifiche invia il tuo cv alla mail cv@placement.uniroma2.it con oggetto Webinar Capgemini Engineering”. Riceverai il link per partecipare entro la mattinata dell’evento.

Chi siamo

Capgemini Engineering riunisce sotto un unico brand una gamma eccezionale di competenze del Gruppo Capgemini: i servizi di Engineering e R&D di Altran, azienda leader a livello mondiale acquisita nel 2020, e l’expertise nel digital manufacturing di Capgemini. Grazie alla profonda conoscenza dei settori industriali e delle tecnologie all’avanguardia in ambito digitale e software, Capgemini Engineering supporta le organizzazioni in un momento in cui mondo fisico e digitale convergono, aiutandole ad accelerare il loro percorso verso l’Intelligent Industry. Capgemini Engineering può contare su più di 52.000 professionisti in oltre 30 paesi nel mondo, con competenze tra gli altri nei settori Aeronautics, Automotive, Railways, Communications, Energy, Life Sciences, Semiconductors, Software & Internet, Space & Defence e Consumer Products.

Capgemini Engineering è parte integrante del Gruppo Capgemini, leader mondiale nel supportare le aziende nel loro percorso di trasformazione digitale e di business facendo leva sul potere della tecnologia.  Lo scopo del Gruppo è garantire un futuro inclusivo e sostenibile, sprigionando l’energia umana attraverso la tecnologia. Capgemini è un’organizzazione responsabile e diversificata di 270.000 persone presente in quasi 50 paesi nel mondo. Oltre 50 anni di esperienza e una profonda conoscenza dei settori di mercato rendono Capgemini un partner affidabile per i suoi clienti, in grado di fornire soluzioni innovative per le loro esigenze di business, dalla strategia alla progettazione alle operation, grazie alle competenze in ambito cloud, dati, AI, connettività, software, digital engineering e piattaforme. Nel 2020 il Gruppo ha registrato ricavi complessivi pari a 16 miliardi di euro.

Get the Future You Want | www.capgemini.com/it-it/

19-21/06 – ISNCC’18 at Tor Vergata School of Engineering

The International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC) will be held in the beautiful city of Rome, Italy from 19-21 June 2018, under the patronage of the European Space Agency (esa) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).  

ISNCC 2018 cover theoretical and practical aspects related to Information Systems, Communication Networks and Computing Technologies. This year, the multi-thematic program  focuses on the major future scientific issues for the following scientific topics, divided into eight main tracks (details in “Call For Papers“page):

  • Wireless and Mobile Communications & Networking
  • Satellite Communications and Networking
  • Antenna Systems, Propagation and RF Design
  • 5G Evolution and Implementation
  • Cloud, Grid and Social Computing & Networking
  • Internet of Everything, Data Analytics and Smart Cities
  • Smart Communications Systems
  • Trust, Security and Privacy

A seperated Track called “PhD Student Forum” provides an opportunity for research students to showcase their original yet incomplete ‘work-in-progress’ (more details in “PhD Student Forum”).

Also an “Industrial” track is foreseen to give particular visibility and emphasis of applied research and on industrial developments. For this track to prepare full paper is not mandatory but the same slot for presentation at the conference will be guaranteed. The submission procedure through EDAS is the same of the scientific track but just an abstract could be accepted (more details in “Industrial Forum“).

The ISNCC 2018 edition will propose a set of technical presentations made ​​by internationally recognized researchers and experts. Young researchers participating in this event will then have the opportunity to present their work and obtain feedback during dedicated sessions intended to further facilitate interactions and the exchange of ideas.

The target audience of ISNCC ranges from Senior researchers to Ph.D. and Master students. Researchers and engineers from companies are welcome, and may greatly benefit from the broad vision provided by this symposium.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

ISNCC is indexed in IEEE Xplore, Scopus, DBLP and Thomson Reuters (Web of Science)

20/04 – seminario “Novel Antenna Design Paradigms for Sustainable Wireless Communications”

Novel Antenna Design Paradigms for Sustainable Wireless Communications

prof. Hendrik Rogier

Ghent University, Belgio


Venerdì 20 Aprile

Macroarea di Ingegneria


ore 9:30-10:30


Abstract – The 5G wireless communication system will offer, in addition to high-data rate wireless communication, a large heterogeneity of services. As such, 5G will also form the backbone for the Internet of Things, Smart Surfaces and Wearables. Novel antenna systems for these new technologies will be subject to high levels of random fluctuations. On the one hand, fabrication tolerances will become more important when moving to millimeter-wave operation frequencies, as required for high data throughput, or when relying on common off-the-shelf substrate materials and inexpensive manufacturing techniques, to reduce cost.

In this lecture, we propose a novel holistic paradigm for the design of antenna systems as part of a sustainable wireless communication system. This strategy is founded on four fundamental pillars. First, the designer must select the right materials and fabrication technologies, to ensure user comfort, robustness, production yield and acceptable cost. Second, a design process must be adopted that includes the antenna system in its initial stages and synergistically integrates electronic circuitry and energy harvesters on this antenna platform. This also contributes to the third step, which maximizes energy autonomy. In a final step, the designer must leverage stochastic design tools to include variability and uncertainty.

Bio– Hendrik Rogier received the Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D.degrees from Ghent University, Gent, Belgium, in 1994 and in 1999, respectively. He is a currently a Full Professor with the Department of Information Technology, Ghent University, a Guest Professor with the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre, Ghent, Belgium, and a Visiting Professor with the University of Buckingham, Buckingham, U.K. From October 2003 to April 2004, he was Visiting Scientist at the Mobile Communications Group of Vienna University of Technology. He authored and coauthored about 145 papers in international journals and about 160 contributions in conference proceedings. His current research interests are antenna systems, radiowave propagation, body-centric communication, numerical electromagnetics, electromagnetic compatibility and power/signal integrity. He was twice awarded the URSI Young Scientist Award. Moreover, he received the 2014 Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Electronics Letters and several awards at conferences. He is an Associate Editor of IET Electronics Letters, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, and the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. He acts as the URSI Commission B representative for Belgium and is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Il seminario è stato organizzato da

Laboratorio di Elettromagnetismo Pervasivo
prof. Gaetano Marrocco