7/03 – “Hybrid electric vehicles”: ne parla Simona Onori della Stanford University

Giovedì 7 marzo, in aula B5  – Edificio Nuova Didattica della macroarea di Ingegneria, alle h. 16, la professoressa Simona Onori della Stanford University terrà un seminario dal titolo “Hybrid electric vehicles: energy management strategies and tools for optimal energy storage systems selection”. La prof. Onori, tra l’altro, ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Computer Science and Control presso Ingegneria “Tor Vergata”.

Gli organizzatori dell’incontro, tra cui il prof Vincenzo Mulone, oltre a coinvolgere gli studenti di “Sistemi E Componenti Per La Conversione Dell’energia Da Fonti Rinnovabili” del corso di laurea in Ingegneria Energetica  invitano vivamente tutti gli interessati a partecipare.




Hybrid vehicles offer additional degrees of freedom in controlling the instantaneous torque delivered to the wheels due to their more complex powertrain architecture. This ‘content-rich’ architecture provides many opportunities to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. Realistic figures of achieavable improvement in fuel economy in HEVs range from 10% for mild hybrids to more 30% for highly hybridized vehicles. This potential can be realized only with a sophisticated control system that optimizes energy flow within the vehicle. Adopting systematic model-optimization methods, using meaningful objective functions and optimal control tools to improve the energy management controller give a more formal framework to deal with such a problem.

In this talk, we will present developments and trends of control and optimization for supervisory controllers in hybrid electric vehicles using optimization tools and we also present solutions for the selection and sizing of energy storage technologies (either in a standalone or hybrid configuration).




Seminari Erasmus+ : 23-24/01 Jesus Gomez-Hernandez, PhD, a Ingegneria Industriale

Jesús Gómez-Hernández, PhD was born in 1987 in Albacete, Spain. He obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the University Carlos III of Madrid in 2014. He works as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Thermal and Fluids Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid, teaching several courses of Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering for bachelor students. He has worked as post-doc at the TU Delft University (The Netherlands) in the nanofluidization field. He has published 17 journal papers, co-supervised 1 Thesis and is co- author of 1 patent.

Program: Erasmus +
Hosts: Dr. Stefano Cordiner and Dr. Vincenzo Mulone

Agglomerates detection in fluidized bed technology using non-intrusive methods

23 Gennaio 2019

Aula seminari Ingegneria Industriale II piano, ore 15

Summary: The formation of agglomerates during thermochemical processes at high temperature is one of the major causes of bed defluidization. The non-intrusive detection of this phenomenon is a challenge due to the complex nature of fluidization dynamics. In this talk, new agglomeration detection methods will be explained for nanoparticles fluidization and for Geldart B particles. The experiments will show, visually and analytically, the performance of the methods, which are based on pressure fluctuation signals, to early detect agglomeration and bed defluidization.


New trends in Concentrating Solar Power

24 Gennaio 2019

Aula seminari Ingegneria Industriale II piano, ore 15

Summary: The EU’s decarbonization scenario towards 2050 is a challenge that Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with thermal energy storage systems may face in a renewable and clean way. To accomplish that objective, CSP technology must reduce its costs. This talk explains the different CSP technologies, its future trends and the developments carried out at Carlos III University. The influence of the absorption temperature of the heat transfer fluid (HTF) on the plant efficiency will be addressed. New HTFs (particles), new energy storage systems (Calcium looping) and the new solar receiver designs needed to reach high HTF temperatures will be described.