Contributi agli studenti per tirocini curriculari svolti nell’anno accademico 2016-2017

Per l’anno accademico 2016-2017 il MIUR -come previsto dal DM 1044/2013 – ha assegnato all’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” fondi per il finanziamento di tirocini curriculari svolti da studenti dell’Ateneo che abbiano le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • essere attivati nel periodo 01/01/2017-30/06/2017
  • Avere una durata minima di 3 mesi
  • Prevedere la corresponsione di almeno 6 CFU.

Per tutti i dettagli si può consultare il bando.
La domanda di partecipazione deve essere consegnata all’ufficio tirocini della Macroarea di riferimento entro il 16 ottobre 2017.

Bando di Assegnazione e Modulo di domanda sul sito di ateneo

“WomEngineering – Women matter in Operations” – WS in Austria: Apply by February 17, 2017

flyer_womengineering-2017McKinsey & Company’s Operations Practice invites female students and experienced professionals from across Europe to be inspired and make a difference!

Are you enthusiastic about engineering and the impact women can deliver in topics related to operations? Could you be passionate about transforming our clients’ operations?

McKinsey strongly believes in developing outstanding female leaders. We do so every day, both internally and with our clients.

In an exclusive 2,5-day workshop in Kitzbühel, Austria from March 16 to 18, 2017, McKinsey offers you – talented women from across Europe – the opportunity to gain insights into the daily work of our Operations Practice consultants as well as to enjoy the beautiful winter landscape of Kitzbühel.

We invite applications from talented women based across Europe, who are:

  • Current students working towards a bachelor’s/master’s degree, MBA, or PhD, with an engineering or business background
  • Experienced professionals with work experience in the field of operations.

Closing date for applications: February 17, 2017