Since 1982 our approach is based on innovative teaching, practical skills development, excellent level of international research and job-oriented model. Our School of Engineering includes 4 specialized areas (Departments):
- Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Enterprise Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
In the last academic year 2021/2022 we hosted more than 5000 students, about 600 of which were foreign students. We developed almost 50 international research projects and we currently collaborate with almost 250 visiting professors and researchers. Our school of engineering has more than 100 Bilateral Agreements with 86 partners in 20 countries and an International Joint Master Degree Chemistry for Nano-Engineering.
Key Information for International Students
- FACT SHEET_School of Engineering Tor Vergata_24-25
- Academic Calendar
- School of Engineering guide and courses 2024-25
- Welcome Guide 2024-25
- Facilities & services: 52 classrooms, 61 labs, 25.000 m2 green area, a specialized library.
- For information about fiscal code, visa (extra EU students), stay permit and all activities concerning your Welcome please visit this page:
- Accomodation: Vergata’s new Housing service is available at the Welcome Office.
- Email:
- Opening hours:
Monday and Friday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
We recommend for:
– Private accommodations in the area surroundings the University schools
– A limited number of rooms in CampusX
Moreover, the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ is member of:
– Housing anywhere
– Uniplaces
For private accommodation please visit also ErasmusPlay
Degree Courses Taught in English
Additional single courses taught in English
Additional single courses taught in English are offered by the following Master’s degree courses
Remote sensing and cartography
Environmental Applications for Pumps and Compressors
Water Supply and Sustainability
Remediation of contaminated sites
Coastal Engineering
Environmental quality engineering
Fluid Machinery Design and Modeling
The list of courses above may change. Please check for any updates on each Master’s degree course website.
Erasmus+ Programme
Erasmus+ Programme Key Information
- Nomination: Your university will nominate you through our nomination portal before the application deadline.
- Application
- Application Deadlines:
- June 30th, 2022 for 1st semester or full academic year
- November 30th, 2022 for 2nd semester
- Recommended language levels (no certificate reqauired):
- B2 English for courses in English language
- B1 Italian for courses in Italian language
- Learning Agreement: Erasmus students can attend courses at all Schools of Tor Vergata University (at least 50% ECTS must be achieved at the School of Engineering)
Erasmus+ Office
Erasmus+ Office Manager
Daniela Mannino
Tel. +39 06 7259 7506
Didattica Building, Floor 2, Room 209 (Area ex Presidenza)
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico 1 00133 Roma
Orario di ricevimento/ Receiving hours:
- Lunedì 9.00 – 12.00 (Monday 9am-12pm)
- Mercoledì 9.00 – 12.00 ; 14.00 – 16.00 (Wednesday 9am-12pm; 2-4pm)
- Giovedì 9.00 – 12.00 (Thursday 9am-12pm)
How can I apply?
After you have being selected by your university, they must send us your nomination. After receiving it, you will receive all useful information for the application.
How can I find an apartment?
Tor Vergata’s new Housing service is available at the Welcome Office.
- Email:
- Opening hours:
Monday and Friday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
More info here:
We recommend for:
– Private accommodations in the area surroundings the University schools
– A limited number of rooms in CampusX
Moreover, the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ is member of:
– Housing anywhere
– Uniplaces
For private accommodation please visit also ErasmusPlay.
How can I reach the School of Engineering?
Take the metro Line A (orange) and get off at Anagnina (last stop). After the turnstiles, go left and take the stairs to reach the bus stop of line 20 (last platform). Ride for 10 stops – get off at Cambrige stop.
How can I fill in my Learning Agreement?
This is our course catalogue for all Schools:
Exchange students nominated at the School of Engineering must achieve at least 50% ects at our School. They can choose any courses from our guide + any other UTV Schools’ courses (Humanities, Economics, Medicine, Maths and Sciences, Law).
Can I attend courses of Italian language?
To attend Italian language free courses:
Please notice you cannot include the Italian language course in your learning agreement, you will receive a certificate and your university may decide to recognise additional credits.
How do I get my Delphi credentials?
You will receive your Matricola (user) and fiscal code (password) by email (you will have to change your password after first access).
To activate your own account on Delphi:
To enter DELPHI
How do I enter Office365 and Teams?
How to activate your Microsoft Teams account (
For any technical issues please contact
Where can I find academic calendar (classes and exams)?
Please check page 5 of GUIDA_STUDENTE_24-25
Where and when can I get my classes schedule?
The schedule is usually available a couple of weeks before classes start here:
Please notice LT stays for Bachelor courses and LM for Master courses.
Do I need to register for classes that are in my learning agreement?
Yes, you need to enroll for classes on Delphi (section Examinations->Courses Attendance).
Can I change my Learning Agreement during mobility? Is there any deadline?
Yes, you can change your LA for the whole duration of your mobility (but before your final departure). To change your LA please fill in the during mobility form and have it signed by your university, then send it to No deadline is given, but we recommend to make changes before starting attending courses.
Can I take my exams online?
No exams oline are admitted. Also all exams must be taken within the mobility period (no exam can be taken/registered after departure).
How do I get my certificate of arrival/confirmation of stay document?
It will be downloadable on your personal page on Mobint after you will upload your boarding passes for both arrival and departure. If you have a specific form from your university, please
Who can I ask for any academic information (learning agreement, courses, schedule, exams, TOR)?
School of Engineering Erasmus+ Office Tel. +39 06 7259 7506
Receiving hours: Monday 9am-12pm, Wednesday 9am-12pm; 2-4pm, Thursday 9am-12pm
Who can I ask for practical information?
For any information about fiscal code, visa (extra eu students), stay permit, accommodation and all welcome activities you can contact our Welcome Office
For any admin/general information please contact
How do I get my transcript of records (TOR)?
It will be downloadable on Delphi as soon as the Professors will submit the exam report (it may take some time). NOTE: all exams must be taken within the mobility period (no exam can be taken/registered after departure)